Coastal Hydrology, Hydrodynamics, and Oceanography at LSU
Peer-Reviewed Publications
If you'd like to read one of the articles below, but don't have free institutional access, please email me and I'll send you a copy!
Underline indicates graduate students in the group; * indicates undergraduates
**Indicates postdocs in the group
Turner, C.R.R and M. Hiatt, Water exposure time distributions controlled by freshwater releases in a semi-enclosed estuary, submitted
Bao, D., Z.G. Xue, M. Hiatt, K. Xu, C.K. Harris, and J.C. Trepanier. Hybrid Numerical and Machine Learning Model Framework for Rapid and Accurate Spatial Flood Prediction, in review
Bacapolous, P., C.E. Ozdemir, and M. Hiatt, Rate of sea-level rise and sediment characteristics modulate deltaic river-tide interactions, in review
(23) Jean Louis, M., and M. Hiatt (2024), Modeling the effects of vegetation distribution and density on hydrological connectivity and water age in a river delta, Ecohydrology, e2741.
(22) Feizabadi, S., C. Li, and M. Hiatt (2024), Response of river delta hydrological connectivity to changes in river discharge and atmospheric frontal passage, Frontiers in Marine Science, 11,
(21) Miller, P.M. and M. Hiatt (2024), Hydrometeorological indicators of the 2023 Louisiana Water Crisis, Geophysical Research Letters, 51, e2024GL108545.
(20) Merrill, J., G. Mariotti, C. Li, and M. Hiatt (2024), Impacts of tropical cyclones on wave climate and current regime in a shallow, microtidal bay, Continental Shelf Research, 273,
(19) Snow, C., S. Bargu, C.N. Hammond, M. Hiatt, and J.R. White (2024), Effect of Mississippi River discharge plume on temporal and spatial variability of toxic cyanobacteria in an oligohaline estuary, Hydrobiologia,
(18) Bargu, S., M. Hiatt, K. Maiti, P. Miller, and J.R. White (2023), The future of Cyanobacteria toxicity in estuaries undergoing pulsed nutrient inputs: A case study from coastal Louisiana, Water, 15(21), 3816,
(17) Feizabadi, S, C. Li., and M. Hiatt (2023), A numerical experiment of cold front induced circulation in Wax Lake Delta: Evaluation of forcing factors, Frontiers in Marine Science,10,
(16) Chowdhury, M.K., K.M Konsoer, and M. Hiatt (2022), Effect of lateral outflow on three-dimensional flow structure in a river delta, Water Resources Research, e2021WR031346.
(15) Zhang, Q., C. Li, W. Huang, J. Lin, M. Hiatt, and V.H. Rivera-Monroy (2022), Water Circulation Driven by Cold Fronts in the Wax Lake Delta (Louisiana, USA), Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 10(3), 415,
(14) Hiatt, M., E.A. Addink, and M.G. Kleinhans, Connectivity and directionality in estuarine channel networks (2021), Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 1– 18,
(13) Sonke, W., B. Speckmann, M.G. Kleinhans, W.M. van Dijk, and M. Hiatt (2021), Alluvial connectivity in multi-channel networks in rivers and estuaries, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms,
(12) van Dijk, W.M., J.R. Cox, J.R.F.W. Leuven, J. Cleveringa, M. Taal, M. Hiatt, W. Sonke, K. Verbeek, B. Speckmann, and M.G. Kleinhans (2021), The vulnerability of tidal flats and multi-channel estuaries to dredging and disposal, Anthropocene Coasts, 4(1): 36-60.
(11) Castañeda-Moya, E., V.H. Rivera-Monroy, R.M. Chambers, X. Zhao, L. Lamb-Wotton, A. Gorsky, E.E. Glaiser, T.G. Troxler, J.S. Kominoski, and M. Hiatt (2020), Hurricanes fertilize mangrove forests in the Gulf of Mexico (Florida Everglades, USA), Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Mar 2020, 117 (9) 4831-4841;
(10) Hiatt, M, W. Sonke, E.A. Addink, W.M. van Dijk, M. van Kreveld, T. Ophelders, K. Verbeek, J. Vlaming, B. Speckmann, and M.G. Kleinhans (2020), Geometry and topology of estuary and braided river channel networks automatically extracted from topographic data, Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 125, e2019JF005206. (Open Access), Editors' Highlight
(9) Hiatt, M. G.A. Snedden, J.W Day, R.V. Rohli, J.A. Nyman, L.A. Sharp, and R.R. Lane (2019), Drivers and impacts of water level fluctuations in the Mississippi River delta: Implications for delta restoration, Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 224, 117-137, (Open access)
(8) van Dijk, W., M. Hiatt, J. van der Werf, and M.G. Kleinhans (2019), Effect of perturbations by shoal margin collapses on the morphodynamics of a sandy estuary, Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 124, 195–215, (Open Access)
(7) Wright, K., M. Hiatt, and P. Passalacqua, (2018), Hydrological connectivity in vegetated river deltas: The importance of patchiness below a threshold, Geophysical Research Letters, 45, doi:
(6) Hiatt, M., E. Castañeda-Moya, R. Twilley, B.R. Hodges, and P. Passalacqua (2018), Channel-island connectivity affects exposure time distributions in a coastal river delta, Water Resources Research, 54,
(5) Hiatt, M. and P. Passalacqua (2017), What controls the transition from confined to unconfined flow? Analysis of hydraulics in a coastal river delta, Journal Hydraulic Engineering, 60th Anniversary Reviews,143(6),; Minor erratum posted here
(4) Rossi, V.M., W. Kim, J.L. Lopez, D. Edmonds, N. Geleynse, C. Olariu, R. Steel, M. Hiatt, and P. Passalacqua (2016), Impact of tidal currents on delta-channel deepening, stratigraphic architecture and sediment bypass beyond the shoreline: a Delft3D study, Geology, 44, 927-930, (Open access)
(3) Geleynse, N., M. Hiatt, H. Sangireddy, and P. Passalacqua (2015), Identifying environmental controls on the shoreline of a natural river delta. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 120, 877–893. (Open access)
(2) Hiatt, M. and P. Passalacqua (2015), Hydrological connectivity in river deltas: The first-order importance of channel-island exchange, Water Resources Research, 51, 2264–2282, (Open access)
(1) Hiatt, M., A.C. Mathiasson, J. Okwori, S. Jin, S. Shang, G. Yun, J.M. Caicedo, R. Christenson, C.B. Yun, H. Sohn, (2011), Finite element model updating of a PSC BOX Girder bridge using ambient vibration test, Advanced Material Research - Advances in Building Materials, ICSBM 2011, 168--170, 2263--2270,